Rush | Rush In Rio (2x DVD)

DVD 8,90 €

1-1                        Tom Sawyer
1-2                        Distant Early Warning
1-3                        New World Man
1-4                        Roll The Bones
1-5                        Earthshine
1-6                        YYZ
1-7                        The Pass
1-8                        Bravado
1-9                        The Big Money
1-10                     The Trees
1-11                     Free Will
1-12                     Closer To The Heart
1-13                     Natural Science
1-14                     One Little Victory
1-15                     Driven
1-16                     Ghost Rider
1-17                     Secret Touch
1-18                     Dreamline
1-19                     Red Sector A
1-20                     Leave That Thing Alone
1-21                     O Baterista
1-22                     Resist
1-23                     2112
1-24                     Limelight
1-25                     La Villa Strangiato
1-26                     The Spirit Of Radio
By-Tor And The Snow Dog / Cygnus X-1 / Working Man              
1-27a                   By-Tor And The Snow Dog
1-27b                   Cygnus X-1
1-27c                   Working Man

The Documentary        
2-1                        The Boys In Brazil

MX Multiangle
2-2                        YYZ
2-3                        O Baterista
2-4                        La Villa Strangiato

Izdots: 15.10.2005