Out now – a unique DVD ‘’Songs With No Words,” which for the first time is dedicated solely to the superb piano musicianship of Raimonds Pauls. The DVD is a recording of a live concert, with Maestro and Liepaja Symphony Orchestra, from Dzintaru Koncertzale that took place 1st of Septemeber this year.
One can hear, Raimonds Pauls, instrumental music from cinema and theaters that carry away the listener with their vivacious melody, simple yet bright imagery and heartfelt emotions coming from the composer.
Before the concert Raimonds Pauls joked around, in his humorous manner, that he has always been an accompanist for performers – some talented, some very talented, as well as, not talented all, but this time he can shine as a soloist and pianist.
The conductor of the program, Jekabs Ozolins says: “Usually pianists make these concerts to play the music of other composers, but Pauls can afford to do this from his collection of works because he has superb melodies. His choices have reached different works some of them well known and some of them not widely known, but all of them very nice. He comments all of them at the concert in his style of humor. […] Paul is one of those musicians, who plays from his heart. He lifts the soul he has the sound. It is all genuine. People feel it and are thrilled. “
Thinking about all of the fans of Maestro the DVD is available with Russian and English subtitles.
DVD: http://goo.gl/XYZ8G
Raimonds Pauls and LSO - "235 million faces":