This Sunday, at the K.Suns movie theater, you will have the exclusive opportunity to see Martins Freimanis and his band ‘’Tumsa’’ (Darkness) live concert recording, filmed in 2004, with the Liepajas Symphony orchestra at the ‘’Liepajas dzintars’’ (Liepajas Amber) festival. Before the movie, there is a chance to take a look at Martins Freimanis hand written song book.
It was a dream and a whish of Martins and his band ‘’Tumsa’’ to perform with an orchestra, which they reached . The song arrangement for the show was made by the LNO conductor, at the time, Jekabs Ozolins together with the band's keyboard player Normunds Kalnins. Also, in the movie you can hear Queen, Frank Sinatra and other well-known song cover versions.
The movie will be the first event of the Martins Freimanis honoring cycle “[Ie]vērojot klusumu" (Keep Quiet). A documental film ‘’Dzīve kā košums’’ (Life like colors) about the composer and his band, will also be a part of the of the honoring events.
In addition, a song book that includes best songs by Martins Freimanis arranged for piano and guitar will be sold at the events.
The book was published by Martins Freimanis fund and MicRec Publishing. This is the first song book in the series.
"[Ie]vērojot klusumu" (Keep Quiet) events and the acoustic shows will be held in the following cities: Ādaži, Jēkabpils, Madona, Valmiera, Sigulda, Ogre and Skrunda.
The honoring concert series will close on 7th of February on Martins Birthday, with a big celebration at the Liepaja Olympic center. Performances by: Tumsa and violinists from Tumsa. And all of Martins Freimanis friends: Lauris Reiniks, Kārlis Būmeisters, Emīls Balcers, Emīls Dreiblats, Olga Rajecka, Māra Upmane - Holšteina, Aija Andrejeva. Bands: Putnu Balle, PeR, Blitze, The Capybaras, Crazy Dolls and others.
Get your tickets for the movie and the acoustic shows : www.bilesuparadize.lv
Every ticket sold will be donated to the Mārtiņa Freimaņa fund.
A video clip (Keep quiet – Concert tour around Latvia in the honor of Martins Freimanis) [Ie]vērojot klusumu - M.Freimanim veltīti koncerti visā Latvijā